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Pittsburgh's Civil Engineering News Blog

Our Award Winning Pittsburgh Section

26 Jan 2015 3:57 PM | ASCE Blog Editor (Administrator)

Article by Linda Kaplan

The Pittsburgh Section is pleased to announce that we have received the 2014 Outstanding Section & Branch Large Group Award from ASCE National!  This award is given to one section nationwide which has demonstrated an extensive and well-rounded set of programs for its members, commitment to the advancement of civil engineering, and proven adherence to the ASCE mission. This is the first time that the Pittsburgh Section has won this award.

Upon receiving notification of the award, Section President Kemal Niksic, PE said, “Being recognized as the Outstanding ASCE Section in 2014 is a testimony to all the hard work and true commitment of our members: engineers, students, and professors.  We are proud to continue the great tradition of our region’s outstanding engineering corps, and are looking forward to being amongst leaders who will face all the challenges imposed by our aging infrastructure and fast changing socio-demographic and climate conditions.”

The award was presented at the 2015 Multi-Regional Leadership Conference (MRLC) in Miami, Florida on January 10th, 2015. It was received by Section Secretary Coreen Casadei, PE and Director Lauren Terpak. 

Additionally, the Pittsburgh Section was awarded an Honorable Mention for the 2014 Section and Branch Diversity Awards by the ASCE Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CDI).  It was noted that “it remains clear to CDI that the Section is making significant and impactful contributions to the enhancement and awareness of the profession through the establishment of your new and very active D&I Committee, partnerships with SWE, NSBE, & ATHENA as well as the representation of women in several key Board positions.”

This award was also presented at the MRLC in January where it was received by Section Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair Lauren Terpak.  Lauren says, “I am happy to see the Section recognized for their efforts regarding Diversity and Inclusion, especially for a committee in its infancy. I have since spoke with conference coordinator Nancy Berson and acquired the contact information of the individuals from the other Sections and Branches that won Diversity and Inclusion awards nationally. We plan to reach out and learn from other groups.”

Our Younger Members Forum (YMF) received the 2015 Eastern Regional Younger Member Council (ERYMC) Peer Group Award.  During the MRLC conference, each Younger Member Group in attendance is given the opportunity to vote on the Peer Group Award.    This award is given in recognition of an outstanding overall program including technical content, networking opportunities, social events, and community outreach to one.  It is the ASCE award voted on by other Sections.

YMF President Linda Kaplan, PE and President-Elect Sonya Flournoy, PE received the award at the conference in Miami.  “This is a very significant award and we are honored to receive it,” said Linda, “It’s great to be recognized by our peers as leaders.  Everyone involved with our YMF group contributed to this and should be proud.”

Congratulations to our peers and members who contributed to these awards!  We would not have had such a successful year without your enthusiasm and support.  We are looking forward to continuing and growing our programs.

To find out about upcoming events check the ASCE Pittsburgh website at


  • 26 Jan 2015 6:24 PM | Greg Scott
    Congratulations to the Board, YMF and the many other committee members. These awards reflect all your hard work and professionalism you have given the Society and the Section membership. I am proud to be a member of such a fine Section.
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  • 27 Jan 2015 8:44 AM | Richard Rosner-Peak Engineering
    I want to Congratulate all the award winners for all their hard work, the industry really appreciates it!
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  • 02 Feb 2015 12:33 PM | N. Catherine Bazán-Arias
    Heartiest of accolades, Pittsburgh Section!! Everyone one of you is worthy of this national recognition which encompasses several criteria that only a Section as active, dynamic, young and experienced as ours has. *Celebrate!*
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