ASCE Pittsburgh Members,
Following a successful event last year, ASCE is once again planning a State Infrastructure Day to be held at the State Capitol on Tuesday,May 17th. The focus for this year’s event will be water resources, infrastructure and funding. We are currently looking for members across the State to help spread our message. If you work in any sector of the water resources field, we need your professional voice!
Volunteers will be asked to attend scheduled meetings with Legislative officials and their staff to discuss current state and local issues. Meetings will be scheduled in groups of ASCE members. An issues briefing conference call will be held on May 12 to get all attendees familiar with the specific items we will be discussing with the legislators and an additional training/Q&A session will be held the morning of the scheduled meetings. ASCE had identified specific priorities for the day which include support for the stormwater utilities bill currently in the Senate, asset management principals and the proposal of a state-authorized water infrastructure study to determine needs for drinking water, wastewater and stormwater.
To RSVP or request additional information, please contact either Tom Imholte at (717) 441-2216 ext. 148or Jason Bowes (717) 724-4680 ext. 6004 by Friday, May 6th.
Please consider lending your voice and expertise to these important matters. The future of Pennsylvania’s water infrastructure deficiencies depends on educating our elected leaders and that cannot be accomplished without professionals like yourself.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
ASCE Pittsburgh PA
Greg Scott, Chair Pittsburgh Government Relations Committee