Limited space is still available! Registration has been extended to noon on Tuesday, February 18.

(click on image for PDF)
Please join us on February 22, 2014, at ESWP for the Annual Awards Banquet with keynote speaker Brian O'Neill. The following ASCE Pittsburgh Section 2013 Award Winners will be honored for their achievements:
- Civil Engineer of the Year - Kemal Niksic, P.E.
- Young Civil Engineer of the Year - Linda Kaplan, P.E.
- Professor of the Year - Julie Vandenbossche, P.E.
- Government Engineer of the Year - Barry Schoch, P.E.
- Distinguished Civil Engineer - Jorge Suarez, P.E.
- Meritorious Service to the Pittsburgh Section - Greg Scott, P.E.
- Service to People - Arletta Scott Williams
- Employer Recognition Award - Hatch Mott MacDonald
- Civil Engineering Achievement Award - Wasielewski Water Treatment Plant, Erie: largest conversion of a conventional sand filter treatment plant to membrane filtration in the USA
- Award of Merit - Altoona Wastewater Treatment Plant Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Upgrade
- Civil Engineering Sustainability Award - Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Center for Sustainable Landscapes
Keynote Speaker:
Mr. O’Neill has been a newspaper columnist in Pittsburgh for more than a quarter-century and currently has his column, “Portfolio,” published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on a regular basis. He won the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Keystone Award for column writing and has also won several regional honors. Brian is a graduate of Syracuse University and lives on the Pittsburgh’s North Side with his wife, Betsy, and their daughters,Curran and Clare.
Brian will be the featured speaker at the ASCE Pittsburgh Section’s Annual Engineers Week Awards Banquet on February 22nd at the Engineer Society of Western Pennsylvania (ESWP). His presentation will be drawn from his best-selling book, “The Paris of Appalachia,” which captures the real essence of the Pittsburgh that we have all come to love, appreciate, and call our hometown. As one famous Pittsburgher, Michael Keaton, said, “Brian O’Neill truly appreciates what this city is, scars and all. This is a terrific book. This guy gets it.”
5:30 – Cocktail Hour
6:30 – Keynote Address
7:00 – Dinner
8:00 – Awards Presentation
Please register by February 14, 2014.
Full-Time Student
Please register online. If you are a dues-paying member of the Pittsburgh Section, you can receive the members-only rate by logging in to the website with your e-mail address. Online payment via PayPal or credit card is available. Payment via cash or check (made payable to ASCE Pittsburgh Section) will also be available at the door, however you must pre-register online.
Should you require assistance with online registration and/or payment, please contact Melissa Fontanese, Webmaster, at or (412)-395-3688.
The event charge is transferable but NOT refundable. No-shows will be billed.
Limited space is available!
Other details:
- Significant others and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend!
- Dress Code is Business Attire
- Raffle tickets will be available at the door.
- GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE Sponsorships are available.
- $500 event gold sponsorship includes two admissions and recognition on signage around the event (large logo), in the program, and on the website.
- $250 silver sponsorship includes one admission and recognition on signage, in the program, and on the website.
- $100 bronze sponsorship includes recognition on the website and in the program.
- Your contribution of a sponsorship will enable us to make these ASCE event sustainable and to give back to our members and local student chapters.
- Please click here to download a copy of the sponsorship form. Please contact Coreen Casadei with any questions.