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Event Details

Innovative Stormwater Management Workshop

  • 10 Nov 2011
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Green Tree Municipal Building, 10 West Manilla Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15220
SPEAKER:   Jim Pillsbury, MS, PE, and Hydraulic Engineer from the Westmoreland Conservation District

Jim’s presentation is titled, “Innovative Methods for Stormwater Management in Westmoreland County.”  In his presentation Jim will discuss the success stories and lessons learned from their over 20 years of experience in implementing green infrastructure in Westmoreland County, and at the Conservation District facility.  They have had proven success in getting effective green infrastructure in the ground (and on the roof), and we in Allegheny County can, too.  These technologies include pervious pavers and pavement, a green roof, Silva Cell tree plantings, and rain gardens.  He will address financing, vendors, performance, maintenance, and how green infrastructure can be used in our area for stormwater control to reduce sewer overflows.  Jim will also provide free color, two-sided posters on how to make a rain garden in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

Please RSVP if you are planning to attend to Jodi Gamble at or 412-578-8375.   If you have already done so, we look forward to seeing you there!

3 Rivers can provide attendance certificates for Professional Engineers that attend this presentation that wish to track contact hours for professional development.

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