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Contact Erin Feichtner or John Kennelly with questions.
Mini-Workshop on Community Resilience in Structural Engineering

Dr. Therese McAllister, P.E., F.SEI, M.ASCE
Of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Community Resilience
Recent floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes remind us that natural,technological and human-caused hazards take a high toll on communities and the impacts can last long past the event. Better resilience planning can improve a community’s quality of life, its ability to recover rapidly and to build back better, and make the community more attractive to residents and businesses.

About Dr. Therese McAllister
Dr. Therese McAllister is the Community Resilience Group Leader and Program Manager in the Materials and Structural Systems Research Division of the Engineering Laboratory (EL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). She is the Federal Program Officer for the NIST funded Center of Excellence, Center for Risk-Based Community Resilience Planning led by Colorado State University.
Dr. McAllister currently conducts research on community resilience, with a focus on the integrated performance of physical infrastructure systems and interdependencies with social and economic systems. She has expertise in structural reliability, risk assessment, and failure analysis of buildings and infrastructure systems. Dr. McAllister also conducted detailed studies of the WTC disaster, Hurricane Katrina flooding in New Orleans, and Hurricane Sandy flood effects on infrastructure systems.
4:00 pm – Gathering
4:30 pm – Speaker (Principles of Community Resilience)
5:30 pm – Group Activity (Application of Community Resilience)
6:30 pm - Dinner
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Contact John Kennelly with questions
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