Due to an unforeseen conflict at the job site, our Steel Day event venue has been relocated to the Sippel Steel Fab plant in Ambridge Pa.
Event Agenda:
9:30 to 9:45 Welcome guests with bagels and coffee by Sippel
9:45 to 10:30 Presentation on steel fabrication process and the Sideplate biaxial connection
10:30 to 11:15 Plant tour
Please plan to meet at Sippel's office at 21 Century Drive, Ambridge Pa 15003
More information and registration can be found on the AISC site at: https://www.aisc.org/steelday/attend-an-event/. Search for events in the Pittsburgh area.
Required Personal Safety Equipment: Thick soled boots appropriate for a construction site, hardhat, safety glasses.
Join SEI afterwards for a casual lunch at Sharp Edge Bistro Sewickley - 1510 Beaver St, Sewickley, PA 15143.
Questions? John Kennelly