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How Construction Tolerances Affect Structural Design (1.5 PDH) – Live Webinar
The SEI Pittsburgh Chapter has acquired a site license to host this webinar, and provide it to the membership at minimal cost. You must come to HDR to view the webinar, we are not able to grant access elsewhere.
INSTRUCTOR: Alexander Newman, P.E., F.ASCE
Purpose and Background
It is impractical to expect that every dimension and every design detail indicated in the construction drawings will be built precisely as shown. Instead, the best we can expect is that the work will be built reasonably close to the drawings, within the established construction tolerances. But which dimensional deviations are acceptable? Where is this information provided? What specifically should the design engineer do to allow the building element to function even when the dimensions are not as shown on the drawings but still within the industry-accepted tolerances? Who is to blame when some component does not fit, and the contractor's work complied with the relevant tolerances? The last issue is unfortunately a common cause of construction problems and claims. This webinar answers these and many other practical questions related to incorporating construction tolerances in the design drawings, with a focus on dimensional tolerances. Specific examples illustrate how tolerances affect structural design details.
Primary Discussion Topics
Learning Outcomes
Webinar Benefits
Intended Audience
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American Society of Civil Engineers - Pittsburgh SectionPO Box 165Wexford, PA 15090