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Event Details

Geo-Institute/PGS Student Night

  • 19 Apr 2017
  • Foster’s Restaurant, #10 Foster Plaza, Greentree


Students will once again have the chance to present their research at the 15th Annual Student Night on April 19, 2017 at Foster’s Restaurant, #10 Foster Plaza, Greentree.   If you have been conducting undergraduate or graduate research in any geological or geotechnical field, here is an opportunity to show off your work to members of three professional scientific societies, and receive the benefits that go along with it.  Students who present their original research grow from the experience by improving their public speaking skills, networking with professionals and experts in their fields, listing a presentation on their resume, and possibly winning a cash award.

Each of the three sponsoring societies will select one student paper (graduate or undergraduate) for oral presentation. Additional abstracts will be accepted for poster presentations.  All presenters will receive certificates of recognition and appreciation, as well as complimentary dinner.  The three oral presenters will each receive awards of $100, while the three top poster presenters will each receive $50.  Abstracts must be submitted to by March 1.


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