In order to vote in the election, please register for the election by clicking on the "register" button and signing in to your ASCE Pittsburgh account. If you have difficulty signing in, please contact
Linda Kaplan. Only dues-paying members of the Pittsburgh Section who are 35 years of age or younger are eligible to vote.
If you are unable to log in to your account because you have not paid your Section dues, please contact
Linda Kaplan to register your votes manually. Proof of Section dues payment (i.e. a receipt from ASCE National) must be received by close of elections at 5pm on Friday, March 13, 2015.
Please review the candidates' platforms before voting. A PDF with each candidate's information is posted
You may vote for one candidate for each Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you wish to vote for a write-in candidate, please select "write-in" from the list and write the candidate's name in the space provided. Please do not select a candidate and also write-in an additional name. Such votes will be discarded.
Please vote only once. Multiple votes by a single party will void all votes from that party.