ERYMC Business Meeting
The ERYMC Business Meeting will take place Saturday, February 13, 2016 beginning at 10:35am. The meeting will be held in the Monongahela Room of the Omni William Penn Hotel in Downtown Pittsburgh.
The business meeting is held as a centerpiece of the ERYMC Conference as an opportunity for younger members to come together and have their voices hear on the National Society level.
The Eastern Region Younger Members Council is made up of the 48 active Younger Member Groups in Regions, 1,2,4 & 5 and 36 delegates are expected at this year's meeting.
Agenda for this year's meeting has been set and includes discussion and/or votes on
eight proposed resolutions. Draft versions of those resolutions are posted for review before the meeting. All resolutions are subject to change based on council discussions.
For questions related to the business meeting, please contact Business Chair Joseph M. Danatzko.
Special thanks to our local ERYMC Planning Committee
Chair: Karen Mueser
Co-Chair: Greg Holbrook
Fundraising Chair: Scott Duda
Program Chair: Linda Kaplan
Awards Chair: Lou Gualtieri
Friday Night Social Chair: Bill Confair
Saturday Night Awards Dinner Chair: Lauren Dziagwa
Outreach Event Chair: Leanne McConnell
YMF President: Sonya Flournoy