On February 17, 2024, the Pittsburgh Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers hosted their annual Engineers Week banquet at the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania in downtown Pittsburgh. Engineers, award winners, professors, students and student award winners and parents and families were in attendance. All were greeted at the door by Alma Rettinger, PE, ASCE’s President-Elect, who provided nametags for all attendees. The banquet started with a social hour from 5 until a bit after 6; that is about when the Emcee for the event, Pat Sullivan, PE used his microphone like voice to ‘recommend’ that people start their trek upstairs to the banquet room.
Once upstairs, Pat, in what has become a tradition at this event, spent ‘about’ 15 minutes talking about whatever he had on his mind…this year it was dress attire!
Pat pulled out his bright red sport jacket with his red, white and blue patriotic tie! Thinking he was the best dressed, he had to give kudos to Dr. Jerry Wang from CMU, who sported a red and black plaid sport jacket with a matching tie! He also had to close a loose end from last years’ presentation of “Who were they before they became ASCE officers?”, by showing a picture of his lookalike, a University of Louisville quarterback from 2011. Pat had to embarrass himself, since he wasn’t able to do it last year. Pat also took credit for working the room during his annual monologue, noting that the Society’s President-Elect, Feniosky Peña-Mora, copied his routine at the recent ASCE Region 1, 2, 4 and 5 conference in Miami, FL! The attendees got a good laugh from Pat’s ‘antics’!
As is also his tradition, Pat invited each of the Corporate Sponsors for the Eweek Event to the podium to receive a certificate of appreciation for their gracious sponsorship and to talk about whatever they wanted.
Thanks again to our corporate sponsors… Anser Advisory, Michael Baker International, Slippery Rock University, and Civil & Environmental Consultants!
This years’ keynote speaker was Carolyn Sponza, from Gensler. Carolyn’s
presentation discussed the design and construction of the FNB Financial Center,
located in the Lower Hill District, whose grand opening is scheduled for late 2024-early 2025. Many thanks to her for presenting.
Following a great buffet dinner of Chicken, Italian pasta, prime rib and vegetables and a vanilla cake with chocolate icing dessert (Pat always has the final word with dessert, despite resistance from our Maître de Mike Gaetano of ESWP and Alma, Pat’s special assistant for the banquet), the awards portion of the banquet began. Pat and ASCE Pittsburgh Section President Bill Trimbath, PE provided the introductions for the award presentations.
The 2023 award winners are as follows:

The event concluded with a second thanks to our Corporate Sponsors and also to our Gold Sponsor, Honor Engineer Co. and our Silver Sponsor, Transystems. The event concluded with one of our largest prize raffles ever, which included 8 prizes, and was again was highlighted by the annual humongous CEC food basket.
Thanks to everyone who attended, and we will see you at the next Section event, the Lifetime Member Recognition Banquet, at the LaMont Restaurant in October.