Event Details

YMF Interviewing Skills Seminar

  • 13 Feb 2012
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • 921 Benedum Hall, 3700 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh PA 15261
ASCE YMF Interviewing Workshop
The YMF is hosting a mock-interview session and workshop for area students pursuing internships and full-time employment.  In order to have personalized session, the YMF would like to recruit as many practicing professional volunteers as possible.  The format of the evening will include a workshop on interviewing technique, with two separate one-on-one interviews for each of the students.  No prior interviewing experience is necessary.  Questions will be provided to help guide your discussion. 
This is the first time for the event, so please help us make it as successful as possible.  Please RSVP no later than January 27, 2012 to Greg Rumbaugh (gregory.rumbaugh@gmail.com).  An email regarding student sign-ups will be distributed soon.
Tentative Schedule:
6:00-6:30  Interviewing Technique Workshop (Keynote Speakers)

6:30-7:30 Two break-out sessions to conduct individual interviews and provide feedback (1/2 hour per interview)

7:30-8:00 Workshop wrap-up and general feedback/ Q&A session