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Congratulations Lauren Terpak, Recipient of the Michael A. Gross Meritorious Service Award

31 May 2016 7:25 AM | ASCE Blog Editor (Administrator)

By the ASCE Blog Editor and the ASCE Awards Committee

Congratulations Lauren Terpak, A.M. ASCE, the 2015 recipient of ASCE-Pittsburgh’s Michael A. Gross Meritorious Service Award.  “Lauren embodies meritorious service,” says colleague, Angela Mayer.  “She has devoted copious volunteer hours to the Pittsburgh Section for over 12 years."

Lauren obtained a B.E. in Civil Engineering with a focus in Environmental Engineering from Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio in 2002.  Upon graduation, Lauren was hired by Metcalf Eddy, Inc. in Pittsburgh, which later became AECOM. Lauren works in the Water division, and specializes in wet weather planning, consent-order-driven collection system asset management, and condition assessment programs. Lauren has been with the company since 2003.

Aside from her career, Lauren has been actively involved with the Pittsburgh Section of ASCE since she first moved to Pittsburgh. She started off as Chair of the Younger Member Forum (YMF) Employment Committee in 2003. She then advanced to become Technical Committee Chair, Secretary, Vice President, President, and Past-President of the YMF. Subsequent to her YMF Past-Presidency she was elected to the Section Board of Directors (BOD) as a Director and completed her 3-year term in 2014. During her term as Director Lauren served as Section BOD Outreach Committee Co-Chair, Nominations Committee member and Membership Committee member. “The Pittsburgh Section would not be where it is today without Lauren Terpak’s meritorious service, “ Ms. Mayer adds.

A few of Lauren’s notable ASCE accomplishments include:

  • Implementation of the Section-wide electronic survey which encompassed nearly 3 years of planning.
  • Compilation and contribution to various award nomination packages resulting in several award wins, including: The Younger Member Forum first ever Peer Group Award, and the National Committee of Younger Members Employer Recognition Award for AECOM.
  • Creation of the Section Diversity and Inclusion Committee which resulted in the National awarded Section and Branch Honorable Mention Diversity Award.
  • Secured partnership with Leadership Pittsburgh Inc., which has since led to two graduating ASCE members and $2,000 in scholarships.

Pittsburgh wasn’t Lauren’s first introduction to ASCE, as she served as Secretary of her student chapter and was named Outstanding Senior of the Year from ASCE’s Cleveland Section. Lauren’s current role is Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee where she promotes diversity and inclusion awareness amongst the civil engineering community and asks that you engage her in a “Diversity Minute.”

But above all, it is Lauren’s positive attitude that stands out.  “Lauren is a very devoted person to all tasks she takes on, but above all Lauren just likes to have fun! “ says Ms. Mayer.  “When working with Lauren she creates an uplifting environment of progress and lightheartedness.”